Friday, December 27, 2019


  • Most of the youngsters are so much accustomed to Cricket 
  • and they spend a lot  of hard earned money on this game sitting on the pavilion and supporting the players.
  • There is nothing wrong in this.
  • But  all youngsters if they spend their time in playing cricket on the field they will have very good health.
  • The whole day and lot of hard earned money goes in this.
  • Cinema
  •  Most of the youngsters  started worshiping the heroes like Gods in the temples and offer milk abhishekam on their cut outs and they also spend a lot of money in watching  the first show  on the first day at all costs.
  • Their minds are brain washed and the youngsters  copy,imitate  their actions too much.
  • The stories, songs  and directors  ,the actors and actresses 
  • expose so much that all youngsters who watch the movies only talk about movies and copy not the good salient points and the children are very good in answering the  questions on cine actors topics etc., than the school lessons.
  • They imitate and copy the actions of the heroes and heroines and they pester their parents for taking them to movies . 
  • They also make the parents shell out for cell phones worth Rs.15000 which  they use for watching movies and songs and not concentrating  on the school subjects.
  • They get poor marks  and their concentration wavers and the 7th std. student write a love letter to 11 th std. student.
  • The cinemas direct them to love doctor loving a nurse,
  • nurse loving the patient and so on.

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