Thursday, March 5, 2020


Powers and functions of the Speaker
  • The Speaker of the Lok Sabha conducts the business in house, and decides whether a bill is a money bill or not.

  •  They maintain discipline and decorum in the house and can punish a member for unruly behavior by suspending them.

  •  They also permit the moving of various kinds of motions and resolutions such as a motion of no confidencemotion of adjournmentmotion of censure and calling attention notice as per the rules.

  •  The Speaker decides on the agenda to be taken up for discussion during the meeting.

  •  The date of election of the Speaker is fixed by the President.

  •  Further, all comments and speeches made by members of the House are addressed to the Speaker.

  •  The Speaker also presides over the joint sitting of both houses of the Parliament of India.

  •  The counterpart of the Speaker in the Rajya Sabha (Council of the States) is its Chairperson; the Vice-President of India is the ex-officio chairperson of the Rajya Sabha.

  •  On the order of precedence, the Speaker of Lok Sabha ranks sixth, along with the Chief Justice of India

  • The Speaker is answerable to the House.

  •  Both the Speaker and Deputy Speaker may be removed by a resolution passed by the majority of the members. 

  • Lok Sabha Speaker can be elected by President on nomination basis.

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  • Members of the Parliament are  supposed to be decent and courteous and must respect the Speaker who is elected by the President.
  • Each member of the parliament is the VOICE OF INDIA
  • and their behavior depicts the whole of India.
  • Please Give them the rules and regulations reg. How to conduct themselves  in the PARLIAMENT.
  • Prepare a book and conduct the examination in English/Hindi and other main languages and they must at least score 50 percent.
  • Any misbehavior they must be  suspended for three times and then finally expelled  and they must not be fit for even an MLA  or MP elections for ever.
  • The party which has sent such MPS must also be warned and their licence must be cancelled. They must not be allowed to contest for any election even from the grass root level.
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  • By PTINEW DELHI: Lok Sabha on Thursday passed a motion suspending seven Congress members for the remaining period of the Budget session for their "gross misconduct" after they snatched papers from the Speaker's table and "utter disregard" for House rules.

  • Congress is not the same as they were before getting independence in 1947.

  • .They do not care for the law of the land and join with DMK and other parties.

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